The filmmaking team behind
the hits "Scary Movie," "Date Movie,"
"Epic Movie" and "Meet the Spartans" this
time puts its unique, inimitable stamp on one of the biggest
and most bloated movie genres of all time – the disaster
film. "Disaster
Movie" follows the comic misadventures of a group of
ridiculously attractive twenty-somethings during one fateful
night as they try to make their way to safety while every
known natural disaster and catastrophic event - asteroids,
twisters, earthquakes, the works – hits the city and
their path as they try to solve a series of mysteries to end
the rampant destruction.
The remarkable thing about Disaster Movie or any movies that’s directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are that racking in enough profit for them to do another installments of their <insert a genre’s name> movie franchise.
Technically there’s nothing much to review as it takes very little creativity to slap elements from various recent or upcoming popular movies into one. Disaster Movie (and it’s kinds) basically tries to cramp as many memorable moments or famous characters from other movies or popular TV series together and tired to make them funny.
Resulting in such a process where the protagonist dreamt that he was in 10,000BC, meeting a Amy Winehouse persona who told him it’s going to be the end of the world soon by showing him a golden crystal skull (yes, it’s from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), waking up in a Cloverfield setup (the boyfriend and girlfriend bed scene) and suddenly declaring that he wants a "Sweet 16" birthday (from MTV). The rest of this film follows in such rough patchy format to the very end credits.
Compared to it’s predecessors in parody movies, such as “the Naked Gun” series or the "Hot Shot" series (from ZAZ, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams and Jerry Zucker) which had their own memorable comedic moments that’s not an outright copy from other movies. These films took the time and effort to lampoon other movies and character in a more timely and classy manner, resulting in memorable scenes such as the opening sequences of "The Naked Gun" series or the on screen body counts in "Hot Shots! Part Deluxe", which will be remembered for a long time. I’m betting that nothing from Disaster Movie (beside the distasteful aftertaste) will register in the mind within a month or two.
The reason why this horrific cut & paste work is turning in a profit could lies in the teenagers demographic that the filmmakers are targeting. Their intended viewers probably had short attention span and are more concern with what movies or characters would be spoofed featured in this 'comedy' than any genuine comedic talent in parody. Another assumption that anyone would find this funny would most likely be high on drugs or alcohol. In such state, anything that’s remotely funny will be extremely humorous. They are likely to be reviews proof (as in bulletproof) and wouldn’t be bothered with any kind of warnings at all which made this review rather redundant.
This horrendous film has a fine audio and video presentation. It makes one wonder why money is spent in such horrible materials while credible independent features are not receiving the same amount of money.
by Richard Lim Jr |